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In some cities, governments have tried to reduce traffic (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In some cities, governments have tried to reduce traffic. For instance, they imposed a congestion tax during rush hour.

Do you think this development is positive or negative?

The authorities have made some attempts to reduce traffic jams by implementing a congestion tax during peak hours. I believe that this development is advantageous for society and environment because it would partly solve the problem with global warming and help people to get their destinations faster.

One of the prevalent reasons why I believe that imposing taxes is an advantageous development is that it can have a positive impact on nature. It is a well-known fact that cars are one of the main reasons for global warming. By reducing the use of these vehicles during rush hours not only will people benefit from having fresh air, but also environment. To illustrate, bicycle-friendly cities, such as Amsterdam and Paris, are model places by which other countries can be inspired when it comes to eco-friendly transport systems.

Another prominent advantage of imposing a congestion tax is that they will encourage people to leave their vehicles and to use buses or underground systems during peak hours. By doing this, many roads will not be congested with cars which would make it easy for citizens to reach destinations faster. Traffic congestion in big cities, for instance, is one of the main reasons why ambulances are late which may cost a life for the vast majority of individuals.

In conclusion, I believe that these strict taxes, which governments have run to solve the problem with traffic, (this makes no sense) can totally influence society and nature in a good way. These regulations will make a huge contribution in reducing global warming and allow people to transfer within the city faster.


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