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Wikipedia is the best educational resource for students (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Nowadays people are faced with the need to look for information when they study. Some people think that Wikipedia is the most precise educational informational service for students. Others argue with them.

In my opinion, Wikipedia is the best website of educational materials. First of all, it contains a lot of articles about practically every person, event, invention and so on. Any report can be made on the basis of these texts. Secondly, the website has a list of links at the end of every article. A student can check the information, read more materials. Lastly, it is easy to find the information there. The website has a very comfortable interface.

Nevertheless, some people believe that Wikipedia is not the most valuable and highest-quality resource for studying.

The articles sometimes have mistakes because their authors do not check the information. A text can be published by any visitor. Moreover, the website contains inaccurate, non-professional translations of different articles. Students remember them and then make a lot of grammar or punctuation mistakes in their works.

However, I cannot agree with the above point of view. The articles are often corrected and edited by professionals today. All articles go through rigorous background checks. Furthermore, a lot of non-professional translations are deleted. Owners of the website try to look after this process.

In conclusion, I would like to say that Wikipedia is the best website for every person who studies.

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