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Using modern technologies in educational process is for the good of students (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people believe that latest technological inventions should be used to make education better. However, others disagree with this opinion.

To my mind, utilizing advanced technology in schools and universities is very beneficial.

First of all, gadgets allow teachers to save time and create a better and more extended program. For example, when students are absent from school and have to skip lessons, they can continue study using online educational resources, video chats and e-mail communication with their teachers. Therefore, teachers can avoid wasting time and have more lessons before the end of the year.

Secondly, technology brings new forms of education that can be more interesting for students than the traditional ones. For example, if pupils are not willing to read a textbook or listen to a lecture, they can be more excited by the idea of watching a film or taking notes from a presentation, which would result in them being more attentive and remembering a lesson better.

However, there is a widespread opinion that technology-integrating education is less efficient than traditional one.

This could be disproved by real-life examples of technologically advanced schools that usually have better exam results among their graduates.

To sum up, technology makes life better in many ways, including education. It allows students to gain more knowledge, but it also makes makes them more interested in learning.


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