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Zoo (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There has been a dispute on zoo’s importance in our life. Some people think that zoos are useless and we do not them at all. Others are sure that zoos are necessary in every city because they play a big role in our society. Let’s speculate who is right.

As for me, I agree with second opinion and I believe that nowadays zoos have a lot of influence on people. First of all, a zoo is the best place where children can meet wild animals and take a better look at them. Moreover, a visit to the zoo can be pleasant for both children and their parents.

Secondly, zoos are important for animals too. I think that the zoo is a great chance for an animal which cannot survive in the wild to have a new life.

A lot of endangered species live in the zoos and this is why they still exist.

However, zoos have the disadvantages too. A zoo needs a lot attention and resources so it can be really expensive for little towns. I am concerned, zoos are must be in good conditions and if they are not they should be closed.

And yet, the places like zoo can be profitable because they are popular with tourists. To my mind, it is the best place for people to spend their weekends with their family.

All in all, I am sure that every city and town should have a zoo if it is affordable. Without a doubt, it can be a great experience for our society.


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