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Some people think that it is better to study 6 days a week at school + letter (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The number of school days during a week is widely discussed nowadays. Some people think that pupils should go to school 6 days a week, while others disagree. Let me express my point of view.

In my opinion, children must go to school 5 days a week only. Firstly, modern pupils have to do a huge number of tasks and the additional day will certainly worsen the situation. Secondly, such long school weeks can make children exhausted and irritable. I mean 6 days of unstoppable learning affects pupils’ health badly. Finally, children who go to school 6 days a week do not have enough time for rest, hobbies and self-development.

However, there are people who are sure that 6-day school week is quite suitable for children of all ages.

They are convinced that such learning schedule helps to decrease the number of lessons within one working day.

Besides, pupils have more free time for extra activities during the weekday.

I strongly disagree with this point of view. In this case the quantity of the given home tasks remains the same, so the risk of stress is still very high.

esides, there is no doubt that a couple of hours after schooling and one day-off are not enough for recreation of children.

To sum up, I should say that the process of education must be arranged in accordance with children’s health and abilities. I am sure, not only the amount of knowledge, but also proper rest can make a youngster a harmoniously developed person.



November 26

Dear Emily,

Thank you for your letter. I was glad to hear from you again. Oh, that’s great you’ve moved to a new house, I hope you like it.

Well, you asked me about my school in your last letter. You know, I have a lot of friends there, so I really enjoy the studying process. As for my favorite subject, it’s of course literature because I’m crazy about reading books. I also like geography, it helps me to learn more about our planet.

So, what kind of music do you prefer? Have your preferences changed recently? What’s your favorite singer?

Sorry, I have to go now. Keep in touch.

Best wishes,



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