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Some people think that boys and girls should study separated at different school (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It has been widely discussed in recent years whether separate education between boys and girls is the best way of studying. Some people claim that the mixture of genders affects in a bad way on quality of educational process while others are sure that co-education is more effective.

In my opinion, pupils should study together. There are several reasons why i think so. First of all, it teaches them to work in a team, which can help them to solve complicated problems in their future adult life. Secondly, cooperative education may help students to develop their communicative skills with both girls and boys, which potentially may be used in the university or while looking for an occupation.

On the other hand, it is thought by some people that children with different genders should study in separate schools.

They are sure that it makes teenagers more disciplined so they can not be distracted by relationships with another adolescents. What is more, students feel more comfortable since they are able to share their secrets, they can be themselves.

Personally, i disagree with the opinion mentioned above. I still believe that behavior and discipline depend on characteristics of the people which is not based on particular gender. Furthermore, students can find like-minded person both among boys and girls depending on their hobbies and interests.

In conclusion, i am convinced that pupils must study together because cooperative educational process can help them to socialize, improve their skills of working in a team and find some real friends with similar interests.


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