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40. A computer cannot replace a teacher (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Nowadays technology is used in many spheres of our life. We are living in a modern world that has become very robotic and digital. Computers are used in factories and even in schools. People think about online and distance education. Can computers replace a teacher?

In my opinion, it is impossible, computers can not be better than people. First of all, machines can not explain in different ways, sometimes children need different methods of interpretation.

Moreover, pupils need psychological support, they want to get advice.

However some people have other opinions. They are sure that it will be better for students because there will not be human fact, teachers can make mistakes and have favourite pupils. In addition, there are no young people who want to work in schools, computers can replace them.

Despite my respect, I can not agree with them because it is so hard in a technological way. Also, it will be worse for students because they can not speak with artificial intelligence.

In conclusion I would like to say that we should be happy because we can study with real people. Person is much clever, better than gadgets. All are changing and we can not be sure that one day we see computers instead of teachers.

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Nowadays technology is used in many spheres of our life. We are living in a modern world that has become very robotic and digital. Computers are used in factories and even in schools. People think about online and distance education. Can computers replace a teacher?

Нет перифраза, отсутствует противоположная точка зрения. ВО вступлении использован риторический вопрос, что является ошибкой. Это вступление для эссе формата "за и против", а не эссе "мое мнение".

2. Свое мнение

In my opinion, it is impossible, computers can not be better than people. First of all, machines can not explain in different ways, sometimes children need different methods of interpretation. Moreover, pupils need psychological support, they want to get advice.

Не соответствует заданной теме. Вопрос не в том кто лучше, а могут ли компьютеры заменить учителей.

3. Точка зрения оппонентов

However some people have other opinions. They are sure that it will be better for students because there will not be human fact, teachers can make mistakes and have favourite pupils. In addition, there are no young people who want to work in schools, computers can replace them.

Та же ошибка.

4. Контраргумент

Despite my respect, I can not agree with them because it is so hard in a technological way. Also, it will be worse for students because they can not speak with artificial intelligence.

Соответственно, тоже не по теме.

5. Заключение

In conclusion I would like to say that we should be happy because we can study with real people. Person is much clever, better than gadgets. All are changing and we can not be sure that one day we see computers instead of teachers.

Теме не соответствует. Эссе в принципе написано на тему "Люди - лучше машин".

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