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Teacher cannot be replaced by computer (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Novadays there is an apportunity to replace human teachers by computers. Some people think that it will be expedient, other suppose that there is no computer that can replace a teacher.

Personally, I believe that computers cannot substitute teachers. First and foremost, computer machine is not able to explain the students mistakes because there is only error correction program. Secondly, the teacher work includes the transmission of knowledge and also motivation, support, and supervision because many people have difficulties in self-rating. Finally, electronics has not got emotions while teachers can understand and personal needs of their learners. It will help to prevent suicide, alcoholism and drug addictions among teenager.

Alternatively, according to others learners can study taking only information without and explanation. They believe that computer programs should give students information and they need to understand it themselves to improve their ability to think and process information. Furthermore, it Is cheaper to buy a Robert rather than pay salary to the teacher.

I cannot completely agree with this opinion. Firstly, students of our generation should memorize a lot of information within the shortest possible period of time. There are very few of them who can do it without a supervisor. Others just will not understand a great part of knowledge they need for the future of career on their own. This can lead to the problem of population degradation and, make it worse, to global economic crisIs. Besides it is more expensive to maintain a machine than a human because every robot needs repairing and amortization.

Finally, there are two disputing views on the problem of education I am convinced that robots cannot supersede teachers. (275)


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