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A computer can not replace a teacher (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, technologies are widely used in all spheres of life including education. It is obvious that people have different opinions about replacing a teacher with a computer. Some people believe that a computer does a teacher's job well and can replace him. Others suppose that a computer can never replace a teacher.

From my point of view, none of the electronic devices can replace a teacher for some reasons. First of all, a teacher can find an individual approach to each student while a computer is not able to do that. For example, a computer gives the information to every pupil identically whereas a teacher can give the material using different methods. Secondly, talking to a teacher a pupil learns to behave around the elders.

For instance, this skill is useful a person communicates with the superiors at work. Lastly, a teacher motivates pupils to study. According to the statistics, a teacher’s love for his subject often passes to the students.

However, other people suppose that a computer can teach as good as a person. They think that a computer helps a student to make progress much faster as it gives more information. Moreover, they think that computer trains a pupil on how to manage his time.

Nonetheless, I cannot agree with them because it is hard to control the information a student receives, and sometimes it can be dangerous. Also, a teacher can train to manage time as well by requiring a student to turn in his assignments on time.

In conclusion, I would like to say that such a profession as a teacher will not become ‘extinct’.


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