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40. It would be better to have only one language on our planet пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Possibility of having one language on our planet has become a hot topic for debate in recent years. Some people claim that better to have one language for everyone, while others hold an opposite view.

In my opinion, new language is needless. I think that we already have had a lot of languages. Firstly, we already have had an international language. It is english. The biggest part of humanity knows and uses It.

Secondly, different languages show to whole world the culture of other nations. I believe in importance of uniting cultures. Globalization is useful and, nonetheless, essential, but we also need to save what our ancestors have made. Finally, studying different languages is truly excited. You can find similarities and differences with your native language. Some of them are really funny. It can gives you incentive to develop yourself.

However, some people claim that we need the only one language. They believe that It will be useful and practical. In their opinion, have an english isn't enough for our planet and we need another language.

Personally, I do not agree with the above mentioned opinion. I consider that all languages are essential. They make our planet full of different people and nations with countless cultures.

In conclusion, although there are different opinions on this issue, I still believe that all languages are important and our planet needs all of them, also the smallest and the most unknown.


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