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It would be better to have only one language in our planet (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In today's world, the problem of misunderstanding of people from different countries because of difference of languages. Some people believe that presence of only one language would rather in our world while others claim that mankind should have particular language for every country.

In my opinion, it might be well have only one common language for different nations. Firstly, we will not have a linguistic barrier between people and then people will not have hedges for communication with each other on the planet. Secondly, a global language will not be limited a choice of place of life and work.

However, there are people who suppose that a single language will be deleted unrepeatable culture of every nation. They believe that preformed knowledge and traditions will go to the scrapyard. The death of language is a death of all culture in their opinion.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with the opposing opinion because society have different examples in nowadays, when countries have one and the same language but it is not a hindrance for introduction of various cultures for their.

For instance, USA and England are talked on common language but they have completely alternative mentality.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I would like to emphasize that transition to international language will allow countries to become friendlier and enter a new stage of development. Also, the cultures of each country will not go anywhere because persons can honor traditions of their ancestors on a single language.


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