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Influence of people on nature (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the problem of environment is very actual and is being discussed. Some people think that nature can solve all problems that people make for it, while others argue that nature needs our help.

From my point of view, people should minimize their harmful influence on environment. Firstly, people build a lot of plants and not control production wastes, sometimes they are radioactive. Increasing wastes are very harmful to nature and animals, because earth and water cannot absorb this refuse. Secondly, people are exterminate from Earth some spices of animals because of uncontrolled hunting. These animals will never appear in our world again.

However, there is another point of view on this issue.

Some people claim that all of people’s wastes were made from natural elements and nature can absorb them. Moreover, volcanoes, for example, are throwing up much more harmful gases than people for many years their life.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this statement because people are overdraw harmful emissions and nature cannot oppose this interference. Furthermore, some elements cannot connect and mix in nature and that elements can destroy something in environment.

To sum up, I would like to say that people should control their influence on the nature because it cannot deal with this count of interferences.

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Количество слов: 212.


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