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Parents should not post photo of their children on social media (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Taking photos is a good way to capture life moments. Some people claim that posting images of children is a common acceptable thing, while others argue that parents should not do it.

I strongly believe that parents ought to stop sharing photos of their children in social media. Firstly, they must ask for a permission from their child. If kid does not like posted photo of himself, it leads to conflict with parents and as a consequence parents often delete this image so posting does not make any sense. Secondly, acquaintances of a child whose photo was posted on social media can use this image as a base of bullying. It happens because parents prefer to post funny photos that do not seem embarrassing to them, although in fact they are. Children can become offended and angry with parents after being bullied.

However, some people think, that social media is a good way to store photos.

They are sure that it is the most convenient method due to the opportunity to divide images by year.

I cannot agree with the above idea. As far as I concern, album is another usable method to store photos. Parents can also divide images by years by buying many albums. Album is very cheap furthermore children can share photos in it with people they trust.

Taking everything into consideration, there are two opposing points of view on posting photos of children by their parents. As I see it, only child can decide whether to post his photo.


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