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Some parents think that if there is a computer at home their children will waste much of their time on videogames and social networking. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays technologies play vital role in our lives. For the great majority of people it seems that having a computer at home will have negative influence on young generation. However, there is a strong opposing opinion which says that it is possible to have a computer, moreover children can use it in a proper way.

From my personal perspective, this electronic device has created important benefits to people using it, especially to children. Firstly, computer has a connection to the Internet which is a valuable source of information.

A search engine will help children to do their studies and to find any material about subject they are interested in. Secondly, there are special programs for children that adjust the time they spend at the computer.Furthermore, parents can download special educational programs to bring a positive change to children’s studies by making them more captivating.

Nevertheless, others claim that using a computer from an early age is not safe. Having this electronic device at home will have negative influence on the children. They will waste their time on entertainments such as videogames and social networks.

However, i feel strongly that this prejudices are groundless. Parents can control use of time of their children. They can put a password on a computer and, for example, let children play only for great achievements in school.

All in all, having a computer at home has numerous advantages, parents should not worry that much about children’s waste of time. Besides, they can always control that side of the question.


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