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Does the computer help children in getting a better education?/ Some parents think that if there is computer at home their children will waste much of their time on video games and social networking (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Does the computer help children in getting a better education?

Today most children have their own computer. Computers are important in every person’s daily life. The issue of using computers in education has always aroused strong emotions and hot debates.

First of all, computers have internet access and special programs. If a child was sick and missed a lesson, he can easily find the material he needs, for example, on YouTube. Also, computer helps save time. The student can study online in any subject so as not to waste time on the road.

However, some parents think that if there is a computer at home their children will waste much of their time on videogames and social networking. Therefore, their school performance will deteriorate.

As for me, I cannot completely agree with the opposing opinion, because sometimes in schools they ask a lot and there is no time left for computer games at all.

Also, academic success is not entirely dependent on the time spent at the computer. It is important that the teacher explains the topic well.

All in all, we live in in a developing world where it is important to be able to plan your activities on a computer. I think that computer help children to get a better education.

Some parents think that if there is computer at home their children will waste much of their time on video games and social networking

Today most children have their own computer. Computers are important in every person’s daily life. The issue of using computers has always aroused strong emotions and hot debates.

In modern world children have many hobbies and therefore computer cannot take much time. For example, child can do sport or do creation. The child can spend most of the time in training. Also, a computer is not the only gadget of a modern child. Teenagers prefer phones to use social networks, so buying a computer may not increase the time spent there.

However, some parents think that if there is computer at home their children will waste much of their time on videogames and social networking. Video games allow you to have fun and entertainment in unlimited quantities. Somebody think that social networks are quiet place where you have friends who are always glad to see you and waiting for communication.

As for me, I cannot completely agree with the opposing opinion, because video games do not always entertain. Sometimes a difficult level in the game can lead to stress and not cause joyful emotions. Social networks can also be trouble, for example, cyberbullying.

All in all, we live in in a developing world where it is important to be able to plan your activities on a computer. I think that computer is a necessary thing in all houses.


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