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Some people are sure that space is not good and useful (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays space has become part of our live. Some people are sure that when people explore the space they lose their time to no purpose. Other people are sure that exploration of space is useful and necessary for people.

In my opinion, space exploration is very important and necessary. Firstly, when people explore the space they can learn more about the Earth because our planet is one of the parts of solar system. Secondly, space exploration is important because it gives the chance to find planet like the Earth. It leads to finding new alive organisms.

Other people disagree that space exploration is useful. They are sure that space is not useful. People cannot find something new and interesting in the space.

Besides, people cannot use space because weightlessness is in the space. They people disagree that space exploration is useful.

I cannot agree with this opinion because people find way of using space. They build station in the space and try to make space fit for human life. It leads to people will live in the space and they need to know more about the space. It shows that people do not waste time and money when they explore the space.

Despite the fact that many people think that when people explore the space they waste money and time I am sure that people waste their time and money. Space exploration is important and necessary and important now because space has become part of people’s lives.


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