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Problems of adolescence (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Adolescence - a period when the child turns into an adult, becomes a person. At this moment, he learns to analyze what is happening around, evaluates his appearance and actions, look for their position in society. During this period any discrepancy may cause an inferiority complex.

There are so many teenage problem such as low self-esteem, complex of appearance, finance problem, unrequited love. But, personally, I think that the most urgent problem is the teenage dissatisfaction with their appearance.

In the hectic world of today teenagers have been paying so much attention to their appearance. On the one hand it is good that they take care of themselves, but on the other hand, they begin to notice a lot of cons from their appearance and try to fix them.

For example: a lot of girls consider themselves fat when in fact it is not. So they begin to pace yourself diets, eating very poorly and exercise are very intense. It leads them to disastrous consequences. The most frequent consequence of this is mental illness anorexia nervosa

Moreover, some teenagers who are not satisfied with their appearance do plastic surgery, which do not always lead to the desired result.

Sure we can tackle this problem, but it is obvious that teens need help. As for me, I suppose that parents can help a child.

To avoid this problem firstly teenager needs to know that he is loved and valuable to their parents. Secondly, he must feel that he is respected. Besides, it is necessary to explain that the child is not important what he most beautiful and the most intelligent, but what it unique. And the most important thing parents need to teach a child to appreciate and love yourself for who he is. That's when people reach out to him, begin to love and respect him.


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