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Sport in modern life: a global reality show? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

To start with, sport is a specific kind of physical and intellectual activity, committed for the purpose of competition, as well as targeted training to them by the warm-up, workout. In combination with the rest, the desire gradually improve physical health, improve intelligence, commitment to excellence, improve personal records, fame, improve their own physical capabilities and skills, sports designed to improve physical and mental characteristics of the person.

Personally, I think everyone knows that sport originated in ancient times. At the earliest stages of the development of mankind, physical strength and agility play a very important role in the struggle for existence. Of course their physical shape is maintained through training and various sports games.

It's obvious that the sport has remained to our days. But now it's often presented to us as a global reality show.

Nowadays most people prefer to watch sports rather than engage it. Althogh they say that they are interested in sports, while sitting on the couch and watch sport TV shows. Moreover, people are trying to capitalize on this show is not to be involved in sports and betting on your luck on the eventual winner. It is a sad situation that people only pretend that they are doing and love sports.

But, it's obvious that many people don't forget about real value of sport. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, running, play footbal... We have all necessary facilities for sports: stadiums, sport grounds, swimming pool, skating rinks, skiing stations, football pitches.

In conclusion I suggest love sport, doing physical exercises, thinking positivly and you will be happy.


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