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Money is a stressful part of modern life (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Money is an indispensable part of our life. Some people believe that currency in the modern world no longer has any value and is only an irritant, while others disagree with this statement.

I believe that cash is a stressful part of present-day life. Firstly, in order to live comfortably and interestingly, you need a lot of money. People try to work harder and better for this, which makes them feel nervous. Secondly, it often takes a lot of capital for health insurance, treatment, and prevention to save a life. Sometimes, one doctor visit can cost more than the minimum wage, and in extreme cases, expensive operations are necessary, sometimes even abroad. This causes tremendous stress for both the patient and relatives.

But some disagree with this position.

They believe that money has already become such an important thing in human life that it can hardly cause more stress than a walk. Currency is a stress reliever, so worrying about income is useless. There are more important things like moral health and family.

I cannot agree with the above opinion, because for the money you can get a large number of services that improve life, and often such things are quite expensive. This proves that money is an important part of life, and you have to worry and think about it, which undoubtedly causes tension.

In conclusion, I want to say that there are different points of view on the problem of stress caused by money. In my opinion, people should be concerned about their well-being, because it improves all areas of life.


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