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Some of my friends think it’s important to do sports regularly while others would rather watch a sporting event on TV (example) (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Some of my friends believe that it is crucial to do sports regularly. However, others would always watch a sporting event on TV instead of doing some physical activity. Now I would like to express my opinion regarding this issue.

As far as I am concerned, doing sports is a much better time-spending activity. Firstly, every sport improves your overall physical health letting your body feel more energized and full of life. Secondly, it also strongly influences your mental health by releasing mood hormones throughout the workout. Not only does it release hormones but also helps you in coping with anxiety and distracting you for a while from the amount of stress you get every day.

Nevertheless, some of my friends state that watching a sporting event on TV is much more entertaining rather than doing some sports by yourself.

They have a variety of sports competitions to watch while being at home and comfortably sitting on the sofa. Furthermore, they consider doing sports as a hard thing for them to do.

Their arguments do not convince me whatsoever. Frankly, watching people doing sports is not more interesting than taking up a sport yourself. Unless they start doing something, they would not stop saying that it is boring. Moreover, doing sports is a lot of fun. You choose whatever sport you would like to start practising and go ahead, finding online videos or searching for instructors.

To conclude, I would say that my friends should pay close attention to their way of living life. Otherwise, they will end up only watching TV instead of living a fulfilling life sports offer.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 3 балла

Коммуникативная задача успешно решена. Однако автору следует быть осторожным с объёмом, поскольку данное сочинение насчитывает 270 слов и едва укладывается в допустимые рамки.

К2 (организация текста) – 3 балла

Построение текста и его разделение на абзацы выполнено правильно.

К3 (лексика) – 3 балла

Сочинение богато лексикой высокого уровня сложности. Автор умело использует лексические единицы для передачи оттенков смысла.

1) time-spending activity [Данное словосочетание лучше заменить на слово pastime, которое обозначает приятное занятие, доставляющее удовольствие времяпрепровождение];

2) doing some sports by yourself [Возможен также вариант без предлога by – в этом случае будет подчёркиваться именно личный опыт спортивной деятельности, а не занятия спортом в одиночку].

К4 (грамматика) – 3 балла

Сочинение выгодно отличается обилием корректно употреблённых сложных грамматических конструкций.

1) much more entertaining rather than doing some sports – much more entertaining than doing some sports [Выражение rather than лучше заменить на than, поскольку rather than обычно применяется в иных контекстах];

2) Unless they start doing something, they would not stop saying that it is boring – Unless they start doing something, they will not stop saying that it is boring [Необходимо поменять would на will, чтобы получилось классическое условное предложение первого типа].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

Not only does it release hormones but also helps – Not only does it release hormones, but also helps [Требуется запятая].

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