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The best way to improve health is to exercise every day; письмо: events at school (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is a popular opinion that the most effective solution for improving health is to exercise daily. Other people think it is not enough only doing sport. There are many decisions that are necessary to be healthy. Now I would like to express my point of view on this issue.

I strongly believe that taking some exercises every day is not the key to stay fit and healthy. Firstly, person should do about dishes. For results everybody needs to avoid eating fried meals like fish, meat or potatoes. They have many calories which lead to weight gain. The products with a lot of sugar also worsen person’s health. Secondly, it is important to think about dreaming. Adults need to sleep about 7-8 hours per night and essential time for every kids is 9-10 hours.

If he or she do not relax enough, they are tired with no ability to work.

There is another side to the issue. My opponents claim that sport is beneficial for our health. It strengthens bones and muscles and thus helps avoid many health problems, especially during old age.

In spite of convincing arguments, I strongly believe if exercise is not supplemented with a healthy and nutritious diet, the human body will not be able to reap benefits.

To sum up, I would like to say that health should be monitored by setting the correct daily routine and restrictions on food intake.





Dear Edwin,

I’m so glad to hear from you. Thanks for your letter. I’ve not writing to you so long because I’ve been busy with homework.

In your letter you asked me about events at my school. There are party of New Year, Day of teacher, Meeting of graduates at my school. Most of all I like Teacher’s day ‘cause we make an amazing concert for our teachers. I usually lead everyone, I’m the main person of preparation. Besides, I also sing and dance.

And I want to ask you some questions. What’s the name of your new pet? Who has chosen him? Do you like him?

By the way, I must go now ‘cause mom’s calling me.

Hope to hear from you soon!




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