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In any occupation discipline is more important than talent, doesn't it? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are different opinions on the role of innate abilities and strictness in different spheres of activity. Some people think that discipline is more valuable skill in any occupation. Others, on the contrary, claim that talents give a person a great advantage. Let me express my own opinion.

To my mind, the ability to organize your study or work is the most important part on the way to success. First of all, disciplined people are really hardworking and energetic. They put all efforts to their occupation and reach the result they want. Moreover, being disciplined can help a person to find his talents, develop them and use them in the most appropriate direction.

However, there are people who have the opposing opinion. They believe that talents give a person a colossal advantage.

To their mind, this person can study or do his job more than the competitors due to his abilities. So the talent is the key to success.

Nevertheless, I disagree with these statements. People cannot demonstrate their talents without any efforts. Even if a person has unique abilities, he should use them in the right direction. In addition, laziness can prevent the development of the talents.

In conclusion, I would like to say that discipline is the most important method and way to reach your goals and become successful. However, everyone has to find his talents, develop them and use them in favourite activities.


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