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Whether the notion of honor has become outdated today is the question over which the well-known Russian writer Daniil Granin is reasoning. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Whether the notion of honor has become outdated today is the question over which the well-known Russian writer Daniil Granin is reasoning.

This moral problem has existed in the world for a long time. This is evidenced by examples from the classical works of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, LN Tolstoy, for the heroes of which there was no higher concept than the honor of a nobleman. Unfortunately, many of my contemporaries consider the notion of honor to be outdated ...

The author of the text believes that the honor given to "a person once, along with a name" can not become outdated, in spite of the fact that the word "honor" is replaced today with a higher concept - principledness.

I share the point of view of D.


I remember the hero of the Pushkin novel "The Captain's Daughter" by Peter Grinyov, who, despite his youth, showed himself to be a man of honor and duty during the Pugachev revolt. For all his life he remembered the words of his father: "Take care of the dress again, and honor from the young."

And today the notion of honor is not outdated. The feat of the company of the Pskov paratroopers remains in the memory of the people, who, at the cost of their own lives, were stopped by two and a half thousand embittered members of the bandit formation. The honor of the Russian soldier and officer in those hours was for them above all!

His thoughts on whether the notion of honor is out of date today, I want to end with the words of the French playwright Pierre Carnel:

I agree to tolerate any trouble,

But I do not agree that honor should suffer.Whether the notion of honor has become outdated today is the question over which the well-known Russian writer Daniil Granin is reasoning.

This moral problem has existed in the world for a long time. This is evidenced by examples from the classical works of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, LN Tolstoy, for the heroes of which there was no higher concept than the honor of a nobleman. Unfortunately, many of my contemporaries consider the notion of honor to be outdated ...

The author of the text believes that the honor given to "a person once, along with a name" can not become outdated, in spite of the fact that the word "honor" is replaced today with a higher concept - principledness.

I share the point of view of D. Granin.

I remember the hero of the Pushkin novel "The Captain's Daughter" by Peter Grinyov, who, despite his youth, showed himself to be a man of honor and duty during the Pugachev revolt. For all his life he remembered the words of his father: "Take care of the dress again, and honor from the young."

And today the notion of honor is not outdated. The feat of the company of the Pskov paratroopers remains in the memory of the people, who, at the cost of their own lives, were stopped by two and a half thousand embittered members of the bandit formation. The honor of the Russian soldier and officer in those hours was for them above all!

His thoughts on whether the notion of honor is out of date today, I want to end with the words of the French playwright Pierre Carnel:

I agree to tolerate any trouble,

But I do not agree that honor should suffer.


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