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Yury Mikhailovich Polyakov - Russian writer, candidate of philological sciences, editor-in-chief of Literaturnaya gazeta, in his essay discusses the problem of weakening patriotism in Russian society, connected with the fact that my contemporaries do not (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Yury Mikhailovich Polyakov - Russian writer, candidate of philological sciences, editor-in-chief of Literaturnaya gazeta, in his essay discusses the problem of weakening patriotism in Russian society, connected with the fact that my contemporaries do not want to serve in the army, putting it beautifully, bringing their lives to the altar Fatherland.

This social and moral problem is not new. Let us recall the poor hero of Leo Tolstoy from the story "After the Ball" or his "companion" for trouble, the hero of the novel AI Kuprin "Duel", who are severely punished for not wishing to serve in the Russian army. Soviet literature is also rich in similar examples. I leaf through the works of Yu. M. Korotkov ("Gray"), I. P. Gol'perin ("Son of a Bitch") and I am convinced that the situation of the soldiers of the 19th century is not much different from that of the defenders of the Motherland of the 21st century.

It's amazing, but in defense of the army is now the man who first raised his voice against hazing.

Yu. Polyakov, the author of the story "One Hundred Days Before the Order", which military censorship did not miss at the time, with his book then patted a lot of nerves not only to the famous generals, but also to poor mothers who read the truth about how their boys serve. If such a denunciator of the Russian army began to convince his readers that it is necessary to protect the Fatherland, the duty of every citizen, "confusion, imposture, foolishly lost wars - the consequence of a weakening of patriotism", then, indeed, something in our society, maybe, and the army has changed.

Despite the irony that you think I caught in my previous lines, I share the author's point of view. Who, like us, will stand up for the defense of our Motherland? Who, like we, will, if necessary, bring our lives to the altar of the Fatherland? To serve in the army, I'm sure, everyone should. And the "horror stories" about hazing, which allegedly took root in the barracks, are very exaggerated. I have a friend, he is an officer who is on duty 2-3 times a week in his company, not teaching soldiers the wisdom of military service, but guarding their peace and day and night ...

Recently on the Internet I went to the page of the journalist of Komsomolskaya Pravda, Alexander Yuryevich Kostinsky. He collects testimonies of eyewitnesses, photographs and drawings from demobilized albums, soldier's letters about the modern army. And I was surprised: along with the "horror stories" about the everyday life of the army, stories of eyewitnesses are side by side, proving that the army is changing, and as a result, patriotism is being strengthened.


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