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The role of friendship in the life of each person is the problem raised by a well-known Russian writer and publicist. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The role of friendship in the life of each person is the problem raised by a well-known Russian writer and publicist.

Tatiana Tess shares her bitter bewilderment about why in our days graduates do not know how to really be friends. She suggests that the threads that connect them are too weak. Literature teacher Nikolai Nikolaevich tells her the story from her life, the history of true friendship, which taught him "never to leave responsibility" for what he did.

The author believes that the teacher's story is a confirmation that there are people for whom friendship is not an empty word and has very great significance in life.

I agree with Tatyana Tess.

Friendship is an integral part of our life, it is no accident that the Russian proverb says: "Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends."

So, Taras Bulba, the central character in the novel by Nikolai Gogol, believes that the partnership above the family, above relationship by blood, above all earthly things. Died at the hands of Poles, a brave Cossack, even in the last minute of life, feeling the flames of the fire covered his body, he does not think of himself, but seeks to save his comrades, which was surrounded by enemies.

Or let us recall Oblomov and Stolz, the heroes of the novel of the same name. Goncharova, - friends from childhood. As they mature, their paths diverge, but the characters constantly feel mutual sympathy. Stolz plays a big role in Oblomov's life. He tries to awaken a friend from "hibernation": he introduces Olga Ilyinskaya, rescues him from ruin, takes on the education of her son. But, unfortunately, Andrew failed to "pull off" Oblomov from the sofa, he could not defeat the "Oblomovism".

Thus, I can conclude that friendship in human life plays an important role.Or let us recall Oblomov and Stolz, the heroes of the novel of the same name. Goncharova, - friends from childhood. As they mature, their paths diverge, but the characters constantly feel mutual sympathy. Stolz plays a big role in Oblomov's life. He tries to awaken a friend from "hibernation": he introduces Olga Ilyinskaya, rescues him from ruin, takes on the education of her son. But, unfortunately, Andrew failed to "pull off" Oblomov from the sofa, he could not defeat the "Oblomovism".


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