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Music and art should be studied more seriously at secondary schools пример 3 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Music and art should be studied more seriously at secondary schools.

Nowadays there is an opinion that music and art should be learnt more properly at middle school. Whereas others disagree and think that it is not obligatory to study music and art in more detailed at secondary school.

From my point of view, music and art should not be studied more seriously at secondary school. First of all, more serious learning of art and music can distract students from important subjects such as Maths, Literature, Russian and others. Secondly, at schools pupils are just getting acquainted with music and art, if they want to learn them more seriously, they can enter special schools. Finally, there are no final exams in music and arts therefore it is not necessary to learn more detailed these subjects.

However, some people hold a different opinion.

They are sure that it is important to study music and art properly at secondary school because these subjects broaden students’ mind. Besides, pupils can keep up conversations  about music and arts if they study these subjects at middle school.

Yet I cannot agree with them because art and music are not such important subjects at school and they are not borden the mind if pupils do not interested in these subjects and he/she are just borden at subjects. Then, only a small circle of people who understand music and art.

In conclusion, though some people believe that music and art should be learned properly at middle school, I strongly believe that music and art are not so obligatory for educated because these subjects can interest only a small group of people.


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