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Students believe that homework should be optional (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is common knowledge that currently students undergo heavy academic pressure. As a consequence, some of them claim that it would be better to make homework optional, while others state that all additional tasks that are given for elaborating at home should be obligatory.

To my mind, it is clearly that a student should have an opportunity to choose whether he or she does homework or not. Firstly, I think so because there are lots of students who are fully confident that some of subjects are not useful for them. Therefore, it is much more rational for them to spend their spare time doing favorite activities, but not studying boring subjects that will not be helpful for them in future.

Secondly, I believe that those students who entirely understand the importance of certain lessons for them can easily study them individually. Consequently, it is needless to assign homework for absolutely everyone.

However, there are some people who consider that work at home is an integral part of academic success. They affirm so on the grounds of the widely circulated opinion that if a student wants to be a decent and well developed man, he or she should thoroughly know not only their specialization, but also miscellaneous subjects that do not even connect with their future profession.

To a certain extent, they are right, although I still stand my ground, because it seems to me, that natural professional should perfectly know exactly his or her sphere. Such deep knowledge can be achieved solely in case of investing of all free time to this subject.

To sum up, I strongly believe that homework should be optional, because it is better for the students` future.


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