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Students believe that homework should be optional example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, the problem of the necessity of homework for pupils causes a great discussion and controversy point some people consider that doing homework shouldn't be obligatory for children while others are convinced that students have to do their homework always.

In my opinion, homework is an essential part of a pupils' education and it should be necessary. Firstly, doing homework can help students to revise the material which they have learned at school. Therefore, they memorize all the aspects of the subject and do not forget any important information about it. Secondly, if children do their homework, they can realize which seems they do not understand the school and go them over at home. As a result, they do not make mistakes in them and pass the final exam without any problems.

However, there are people who have the opposite opinion. They believe that homework should become not compulsory because children spend too much time on doing it. As a result, they go to bed very late and sleep the insufficient amount of hours.

This circumstance can lead to the reduction of their productivity which can affect their process of studying.

Despite my respect for the opinion mentioned above, I cannot share it. I think that a lot of teachers do not force students to do a very big amount of homework. Therefore, people can deal with it very fast and even have some free time for their hobbies.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are two different opinions on this problem. I am inclined to believe that homework should not be optional for students.


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