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№ 40 Volunteering is essential for teenagers (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Volunteering is an activity that involves willingly spending time to help benefit a person, people, environment or community. Some people believe that volunteering is extremely important for youngsters, while other claim that it is not useful for teenagers. I would like to express my point of view.

I am convinced that volunteering is essential for teenagers. To begin with, volunteering helps young person to get some soft skills. Volunteering develops high communication abilities and leadership traits. Secondly, engaging and being active in the community allows teenager to find a lot of new friends. Moreover, volunteering helps you to be physically healthy. Scientists claim that teenagers who volunteer have fewer illnesses.

Volunteers walk more. It is easy to cope with everyday tasks for them. They are physically stronger than ordinary teenagers. Volunteering in adolescence can also reduce the risk of heart disease in old age.

Nevertheless, there are people who believe that volunteering is not essential for teenagers. Teenagers have a lot of homework, and they must study hard and volunteering may distract them from getting education and future job.

Although the opposing opinion is really convincing, I completely disagree with that idea. Volunteering helps young people to take up new roles and exploring different career and job opportunities.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, there are two opinions on the issue. I personally believe that volunteering is essential for youngsters.


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