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Volunteering is essential for teenagers example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Some people consider volunteering to be a crucial thing for teenage children, while others disagree saying that it is useless and teenagers had better take up other activities.

In my opinion, teenage boys and girls can benefit from being a volunteer in myriad ways. To begin with, working in a team of volunteers and communicating with lots of different people perfectly helps to develop teenagers’ social skills, which is quite useful for their future lives. Secondly, volunteering provides the opportunity for organizing various events, taking charge of animals and eldery people, which makes teenage children more responsible and reliable. Finally, volunteering helps teenagers to understand that they are useful and get an approval for the society, therefore, it makes them more confident in themselves.

Nevertheless, there are people with an opposite standpoint. They claim that volunteering is waste of time because it does not teach teenagers to value their work and demand appropriate payment for it, which is bad in adult life.

So, teenage children should better use this time for study, which will help them to get a high-paid job in the future.

I cannot entirely agree with this point of view. Volunteering helps to develop communicating skills and understand human psychology better, which is as important for professional success as academic knowledge.

In conclusion, although there are different opinions on this issue, I still believe that volunteering gives teenagers useful experience, so it plays an important role in their lives.


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