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It is easy to live without the Internet пример эссе (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

11 из 14
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Nowadays, people spend a lot of time on the Internet. That is why some people suppose that it would be hard to deal without the internet, while others consider that life without Internet is not a problem. In this essay I would like to look upon this issue.

In my opinion, it is not easy to live without the Internet. First of all, internet helps people to communicate with each other. Thanks to online chats and web calls you can always be in touch with your friends and family. Secondly, every person can find required information easier due to speed of internet search. Moreover, internet provides a huge amount of entertainment such as films and games that helps people to take a rest.

However, some people have another opinion about this issue. They suppose that all information that you need you can find in books, newspapers and TV.

Despite my respect to the opposing opinion, I cannot agree with it. Internet consists more information than any library over the world. In addition, it is faster to find information by phone than by search through dozens of books.

To sum up, we see that live with the internet much easier than without it. Internet helps to communicate, find information and entertain people. That is why life without the internet will be not easy.

Оценка эксперта:

К1 - содержание. Хорошо подобраны и опровергнуты аргументы.

К2 - организация. Эссе построено логически верно.

К3 - лексика. Имеются лексические ошибки. Например:

any library over the world. (правильнее сказать in the world)

К4 - грамматика. Имеется ряд грамматический ошибок.

Пропуск артикля THE Internet.

find information by phone than by search through dozens of books. (смущает by...)

live with the internet much easier(Где глагол?? Live IS much easier)

К5 - орфография и пунктуация. Все правила соблюдены.

В целом:

К1 - 3

К2 - 3

К3 - 2

К4 - 1

К5 - 2

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