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It is easy to live without the Internet example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

To begin with I should say that it is difficult to imagine our life without the Internet. Some people believe that the Internet has become an integral part of our life, while others think that the Internet is not needed at all. Let us speculate on this topic.

Speaking about me, I personally believe that nowadays no one can live without the Internet. I am going to present some arguments proving my point of view. Firstly, the net provides a lot of websites with free news, articles, books and documents which are helpful for studying and work. Secondly, the online network is good for entertainment: we can chat online with friends, watch films, play games on the Internet.

However, there are people who take the opposite point of view.

According to their opinion all news we can watch on TV, read necessary information in books and magazines. They also think that communication in a real life is better than online, as we can feel the mood of our interlocutor.

ut I do not agree with their opinion. To my mind, it is faster and more comfortable to use our phone or computer to read news and find the information. Furthermore, not all people have an opportunity to meet their friends and relatives because they live in another cities. So, the Internet gives a chance to talk to them.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are different opinions on this topic but I am sure that our life will be very difficult without the Internet.


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