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Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

It is hard to imagine our life without studying. Some people believe that good education can be attained in the home country, while others do not agree with this point of view.

In my opinion, studying in foreign country is essential for getting a good education. Firstly, it is the best way to learn new languages or improve existing skills as only abroad people can practice as much as possible. Secondly, studying not in a local country broadens the mind and helps to gain necessary life experience by communicating with people of different nationalities. Thus, it has a positive influence on one’s future career, too.

However, there are those who think otherwise. They believe that getting an education abroad is too expensive and time-consuming as it is a great deal of paperwork need to be done.

Hence, it is better not to waste one’s time and money and attend local educational institutions.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with the above argument. As for studying abroad being too expensive, it is possible to take part in one of the many exchange programme enabling students to get education almost for free. Moreover, there are numerous special firms sorting out all problems with papers. Thus, people do not need to waste their time on it.

To sum up, I am firmly convinced that only abroad people can attain a good education for the reasons mentioned above though the opposing opinion makes some sense


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