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Some people think to get a good education one should go abroad (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, the problem of arranging where to get a better education has a great controversy. Some people think that getting equal education is more achievable abroad, while others believe that domestic education has its advantages.

In my opinion, if you want to get a great education you need to go abroad. Firstly, most Universities abroad have interesting, modern programs. Also, a government abroad invests more money in Universities and education to see more specialists and resources for studying. People who are getting education abroad confirm this. Secondly, if you go abroad, you get a tremendous experience from the cultural details that expand your horizons for better education.

Anyway, we have another point of view on the issue. Some people believe that many universities in our country have high-quality technologies for a good education and many facilities for comfortable studying.

Secondly, getting a good education depends more on a student himself. If he wants to study well, get more useful information, he could get it in his town without going abroad.

Despite my respect for the opinion, I cannot share it because most of the universities in our country bring the ultra-modern programs from universities abroad where the authors are. So, it is better to get an education from the specialists who made these plans.

Besides, a person who wants to get better education would do this faster and effectively abroad as he will get more comfortable conditions.

In conclusion, I would like to say that people and a government in foreign countries are more interested in having a better and equal education, having more specialists, and investing more money in it.


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