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Humour is just another defense against the modern world (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

People often claim that we all need to have the sense of humour because there are a lot of situations when to keep positive is quite important. However, others say that it is not necessary and there are many ways to solve the problem without humour.

To my mind, the sense of humour is a real hepler, especially in our days. Firstly,it helps not to pay too much attention to minor problems which usually happen in our day-to-day life, such as tfaffic jams and stressful working conditions. Secondly, it may help to stand for yourself in argument when your opponent is trying to offend you by all manner of means. Lastly, such a positive person who can liven up an atmosphere around will always be in favour. For example studies show that people who take everything very serious is not usually successful workers and on the contrary the most of achievers in business have a great sense of humour and optimistic views.

Meanwhile, some people claim that being a humourist does not always fit to the situations, for instance, on work.

They say that it demands to be serious, responsible and very careful, so there is no need to have a humour in that case at all.

I cannot agree with it as there are a lot of directors of different companies and although they have a great sense of humour and often use it in their work they have the say on important matters.

Summing up, it seems to me that it is important in the modern world to keep positive and be able to get a joke when necessary.


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