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The Internet has revolutionised the modern world example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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The question of whether the invention of the Internet has revolutionised modern society will always be controversial. Although many people think that it is not the reason for a revolution in the modern world, others claim that it has changed everybody's lives.

In my opinion, the Internet has an impact on our lives. Firstly, it gave us opportunities to work in any place we would like to. Without the Internet, we would never be able to do that, so it revolutionised the world we live in. Secondly, thanks to the Internet, we can do so many things using only one gadget. For instance, we can search for the information we need, watch a video and write a message simultaneously. The Internet forced us to think faster than we used to. So it is definitely a revolution.

However, not all people are ready to share my point of view.

They claim that some of the global problems still exist. It means that the Internet can do nothing with poverty or diseases, so it is not a revolution - it is just a tool for work and business.

I cannot fully agree with the statement above. A lot of charity foundations use the Internet to raise awareness of the problems that exist nowadays. Additionally, it does not only raise awareness but also allow people to help the poor if they want to.

To sum up, I believe that the Internet helps us in many ways, so it has revolutionised our lives.

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K1- 0 баллов. Поэтому задание целиком оценивается в 0 баллов.

3 нераскрытых аспекта и 2 не полностью раскрытый аспект.

1. Вступление

The question of whether the invention of the Internet has revolutionised modern society will always be controversial. Although many people think that it is not the reason for a revolution in the modern world, others claim that it has changed everybody's lives.

Тема перефразирована неудачно. Автор ушел от темы. Акцент сместился на “другую причину” когда следовало просто использовать отрицание. “Интернет не изменил мир”. Аспект не засчитывается.

2.Свое мнение

In my opinion, the Internet has an impact on our lives. Firstly, it gave us opportunities to work in any place we would like to. Without the Internet, we would never be able to do that, so it revolutionised the world we live in. Secondly, thanks to the Internet, we can do so many things using only one gadget. For instance, we can search for the information we need, watch a video and write a message simultaneously. The Internet forced us to think faster than we used to. So it is definitely a revolution.

Автору следует четче выражать свою позицию. Оказать влияние - не кардинально изменить. Аспект засчитывается частично.

3.Мнение оппонентов

However, not all people are ready to share my point of view. They claim that some of the global problems still exist. It means that the Internet can do nothing with poverty or diseases, so it is not a revolution - it is just a tool for work and business.

Контраргумент не соответствует теме. Также не совпадает и с мнением заявленном во вступлении. Аспект не засчитывается.

4. Контраргумент

I cannot fully agree with the statement above. A lot of charity foundations use the Internet to raise awareness of the problems that exist nowadays. Additionally, it does not only raise awareness but also allow people to help the poor if they want to.

Не засчитывается из-за контраргумента.

5. Заключение

To sum up, I believe that the Internet helps us in many ways, so it has revolutionised our lives.

Вывод засчитывается частично. Автору следует четче выражать свое мнение. Сразу писать “Интернет кардинально изменил мир и как изменил.

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