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Exams are a fair way of testing пример (Школьные сочинения)

Tests accompany us during the whole life because they are widely used as knowledge examiners. We are bound to face them when while studying anywhere. Since continuing education has become a norm for a modern person, tests have become unavoidable. Though its’ popularity, there are people who are against this type of examination, because it has several great minuses. On the opposite, some of us support this method as they consider it to be the fairest one.

Speaking about me, I can’t agree with the statement completely. Of course, tests have been done since the ancient times so their benefits have been proved by the time and all those people who have become specialists. Nevertheless, the method has some big disadvantages. Firstly, it includes only theoretical material which you find in student books.

Though the theoretical part is a foundation of any science, the practice also matters. Without it your knowledge base is incomplete. Without it, you're not able to do something in a real situation within the university’s walls. So any test cannot be illustrative enough. Secondly, there is always a high risk of cheating. Students have made up hundreds of tricks to get an excellent mark. In addition to it, after the invention of cellphones and smartwatch cheating became easier. So it is not a problem to pass a test when all information you need is on your Apple Watch. A teacher is trying to prevent cheating, however, usually, it is impossible to avoid it. From my experience, I can say that sometimes it is not only inefficient but also annoying. For example, when I was passing my Final State Exams the atmosphere in school was terrible. Workers check our pockets, socks and even hair to find cheat-sheets. Though I didn’t try to take something forbidden with me, I felt really stressed. Anyway, there were people who managed to take their phones to classes. So, tests are not as fair as you can think.

Let’s turn to the opposite point of view. Despite the fact that the method has some disadvantages, it is still quite effective. It gives a teacher an overall picture of how well students capture a topic and what knowledge gaps they have to fill. It is usually used as a navigator which shows where to go next. Apart from it, tests are easy to make. As a teacher, you do not have to prepare for it. Everything that your students need to pass it successfully is a pen, a small sheet of paper and knowledge. If you ask your students to put their stuff in bags and watch their writing, they will be unlikely to cheat.

However, I cannot agree with this opinion completely. There are always people who try to cheat. It is impossible to talk them out of it until they understand that all these tests are to their interests. Apart from it, much depends whether you’re a lucky person or not. You may have read only one paragraph from the test and if you’re in luck the majority of your questions will be about this paragraph. While there are people who spend nights preparing for a test, and they fail it because the questions are awful.

In conclusion, I want to underline that tests are not completely fair. It is impossible to avoid cheating, so we should find a new comprehensive method of examination which would include a practice part as well.


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