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Моя семья. На английском языке (Школьные сочинения)

Each of us has a family. Someone has a big one, someone has a small one. A family is a group of people close to each other who are united among themselves by the same goals, domestic affairs. My family consists of mom, dad, older brother, grandmother and of course me. I am the youngest in our family, but even here you can find your pluses. For example, a brother takes great responsibility for our mischief with him.

My grandmother is now retired. She lives very close to us in her apartment.

We very often go to visit her, and sometimes she comes to us. Visiting my grandmother is good. She always makes delicious pies, she always has a lot of sweets. I really like talking with my grandmother, she always has a lot of interesting and instructive stories. It seems to me that I have never seen a person more fun than my grandmother.

My mother works as a doctor. She has a very responsible profession. Once she took me to work with her, and I saw how difficult and dangerous the doctor’s work was. The doctor is directly responsible for the lives of his patients. My mother does everything possible so that the person soon gets better.

My dad works as a history teacher at the university. Its main task is to educate children and make them smart, educated personalities. He always very carefully approaches his work, studies material, prepares presentations.

My older brother and I are in school. My brother is already in eleventh grade. He very responsibly approaches the graduation year, now a critical stage in his life is coming. I'm in the fourth grade, so I still have to study at school for seven years and a lot is ahead of me.

Each of us makes a greater contribution to the family. We all clean up on weekends. And also on free days, especially in the summer, we go to the village. There is a lot of work. Over the past year, we managed to build a fence, a barn and set up a water supply. Also, we planted a lot of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers this year. In the village we have a small garden. Gooseberries, cherries, currants, strawberries, apple trees and pears grow there. Watermelons and melons even grow in the greenhouse.

I love my family so much. When I get sad these people always cheer me up. I am convinced that no one can make you happier than your family, so I always try to please my family with pleasant, funny news.


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