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«Моё любимое время года» на английском языке (Школьные сочинения)

Probably there is not a single person who would not be happy about the onset of summer. Especially all school children are waiting for it, because there are long summer holidays ahead. This means that the study is not delayed in one place, you can make various trips, relax and enjoy the warmth of the sun, admire the beauty of the fragrant nature.

In summer, the sun sets late and you can play with friends on the street, ride a bike and arrange football competitions.

Summer is the warmest time when you can throw on light clothes and not suffer in bulky winter clothes.

Summer is the best time to travel. There are a lot of beautiful places in the world, and most of all I like to go to the sea together. I also love summer, because my birthday is in June, and on this day all the attention is paid to you and you get a lot of gifts.

Another summer is a great time for new adventures! Only in the warm season, Hiking is an extraordinary pleasure. I love Hiking, because it is in them that I feel one with nature.

There are many beautiful flowers and plants in all the southern cities. The beds resemble a colorful carpet of blossoms, among which are the fountains, various statues. Near these plants and flowers you feel as if in a fairy tale, where goodness and beauty always reigns. You forget about all the problems and enjoy the beautiful environment. But unfortunately time passes quickly.

And most importantly, summer is the longest vacation period. In three months, I can have a good rest and start studying at school with new strength!


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