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Life without coins and paper money will be safer and more convenient for everyone (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Coins and paper money are being replaced by bank cards, which are becoming more and more popular nowadays. Some people think that it will be better if paper money disappears. Others consider that such money is irreplaceable and it will be hard for people to live without it.

In my opinion, disappearance of coins and banknotes will indeed improve people’s lives. Firstly, a banknote is usually passed through a lot of people. It is dirty and contains a lot of bacteria, which can negatively affect a person’s health. Secondly, cash is less convenient as it takes too much space, compared to bank cards which can be easily put it even in a pocket. What is more, many people nowadays have bank cards in their phones, which makes card purchases even more convenient.

However, other people believe that it is unnecessary to replace real money by plastic cards.

In many shops, especially in towns and villages it is still not possible to pay with a card. Thus, lives of people who live in such places will become more complicated if banknotes and coins disappear.

I cannot agree with the above opinion as most shop owners realize the importance of being up to date and buy terminals. What is more, they will be forced to purchase these devices if coins and paper money disappears.

Taking everything into consideration, there are two points of view on the problem of the benefits of plastic cards over paper money. I strongly believe that bank cards should fully replace banknotes and coins to make people’s lives safer and more convenient.


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