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Paper money will disappear soon (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In the hectic world of today technologies has taken a step forward in any sphere, and cash is a thing of the past and will soon disappear completely from everyday use. Some people believe that paper money be gone soon. At the same time, there are those who claim that paper money will be used for a long time.

In my opinion, cash is a thing of a past and it is a lot of trouble. First of all, the system of bank payment services is developed well enough, when all one’s money is in one’s mobile phone. Person can very easily pay for goods in the store with one touch of one’s smartphone or card. And one does not need to constantly count one’s cash and think enough or not. Person can instantly find out one’s current balance in the bank’s app. In addition, paper money can also be carried bacterias and viruses that can cause serious diseases, especially during the epidemics, this makes cash quite dangerous.

In contrast, there is another point of view.

Some people believe that not all places that sell goods or provide services can be payed by online money or card.

However, I cannot regard the point of view above as the right one because in developed countries, laws are being introduced that oblige people who conduct business activities to install payment terminals for the use of a non-cash payment system.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasise that paper money is becoming absolute and will soon go out of use, in addition, they are inconvenient to use, and can also cause diseases.


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