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The life of animals in zoos is safer and happier than in their natural environment (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

People always have arguments whether to let some animals live it their natural environment or to make them live in the zoo. This question is one of the many which have no single answer.

What concerns me, some animals should undeniably be kept in the zoo for several significant reasons. To begin with, if the animal's kind risks becoming extinct or something like this, each animal of the kind must be held in zoos to normalize their quantity. Moreover, in such a habitat animals are safe from any types of danger, which especially concerns herbivores. In the end, animals which are being kept in artificial environment always get the food they need and do not suffer from issues related with famine or searching for food.

However, there are people who do not divide his point of view.

Firstly, they claim that most of the animals, especially dolphins and birds, suffer from having limited territory to live and reproduce at. Finally, the animals can simply get bored to live within such a narrow space, and some of them even die from it.

But anyway, it is still considered that animals whose kind is under the great threat of extinction should live in the zoo for at least the time it takes to somehow normalize their number, or otherwise they are going to repeat the experience of kinds which completely extinct now, like Steller's cow or Javan tiger.

To conclude what I have said before, I would like to repeat once again that some animals must necessarily be kept in zoos for the sake of the whole kind.


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