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Computers can do more harm than good + письмо (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)




Dear Paul,

Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you after such a long time.

Let me answer your questions. Oh, my favourite sort of music is rock. No, I started listening to rock only 2 years ago. It happened when I watched a movie “Brother” for the first time. Since then, Bi-2 is my favourite music band. My friends and I prefer to listen to music at live concert. Once I with my best friend went to the Bi-2 concert. It was amazing!

I am glad to hear that you bought a new CD. What disk did you buy? Where did you buy this CD? Finally, do you recommend me to buy the same disk?

Sorry, I have to prepare for exams. Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,


Computers can do more harm than good.

Nowadays people cannot imagine life without modern technology.

Some people believe that computers do more harm than good, while others do not agree with it.

In my opinion, computers are priceless in our time. Firstly, they help us to get necessary information. Moreover, computers have wonderful feature: aid to do some presentation or conspectus for school and university. Secondly, computer with internet offers to person many possibilities: to make fan-account of favourite actor or singer, to make a friend from abroad which helps individual to improve language skills.

However, others have another point of view. In their view, computers and other technology take many time and person can distract from valuable things such as family, pets or study.

Despite the fact that the above mentioned argument sounds rather convincing, I cannot fully agree with it. I still tend to think that sensible using computer depends on person’s worldview. If human understand importance free time, he or she will not overuse computer.

In conclusion, I want to say that computers are more valuable than people may think. It is irreplaceable thing in our modern world.


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