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Мой город на английском (Школьные сочинения)

My city is located in the very center of our country. Despite the small population, there are a lot of schools, kindergartens and there is even an institute.

    In my city there are a lot of beautiful places where you can go with the whole family as a fan. There is a large area where a lot of people gather on big holidays. Especially very beautiful in the city center, the streets of Lenin and Chekhov are considered the most ennobled. People really like to gather in these places. Over the years of its existence, our city has developed and grown very much, has become a major industrial center.

    There is a leisure park, a youth center. In the recreation park there are many different centers and a very beautiful singing fountain.

There is also a small zoo, which hosts deer, ponies, peacocks, squirrels and various domestic animals. There is a "Maidan" outside the city, various holidays and festivals are held there. Almetyevsk is a culturally developed city. There is a drama theater, which is known not only in our country, but throughout the world.

    In our city, they are very kind to sports. There are many sports centers, such as the "Yubileiny Palace" of Sports, the Children's and Youth Sports School for football and volleyball, and various sports complexes.

    Every year our city becomes bigger and more beautiful. New areas have grown. They have already built new kindergartens and schools. I really love my city.


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