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Sending criminals to prison is the only way to punish them (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There is one very profound statement which says that jail is the only place where outlaws are punished in a right way. Lots of people agree with it, but the opponents say that there are many better options to make criminals pay for breaking the law. It causes wide controversy. Let us examine each point of view in detail.

I agree with the first statement. To begin with, most of outlaws who are sent to prison can be dangerous. They are able to hurt or even kill an ordinary man without a second thought so it is necessary to isolate them from the society. And jail is the only place suitable for them. Secondly, criminals are not only punished but they are also given a chance to change for the better there. Lots of professional doctors work in prisons to help criminals understand their serious mistakes and to prevent new ones in the future.

In conclusion most of released prisoners and become citizens without any problems.

However, some people have a different opinion. They claim that it would be better if criminals were sent to public works instead of jail.

I disagree with this opinion. Community services put ordinary people in danger as outlaws work not far from them. Any of criminals can suddenly attack a civilian, take him as a hostage and it will create an extremely risky situation.

In conclusion it should be mentioned that people, who committed not serious crimes, should not be sent to prison.


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