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Sending criminals to prisons is the only way to punish them (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Today the vast majority of people who are accused of offenses are sent to prisons. Some people consider sending those who commit crimes to jails to be the only method to punish them. Others argue there are many other ways to do it.

In my opinion, sending to jails is not the only punishment for offenders. Although the main purpose of a punishment is the improvement offenders’ conduct, it does not correct their behavior at all. According to statistics, almost 70% offenders commit crimes 1 year after their sentence in prisons, so prison do not perform its function. It would be more effective to force criminals to pay fines or sentence them to restriction of liberty. Furthermore, when they take to communicate with other criminals, they soak up the cell atmosphere.

The more people stay in cells, the more they become cruel, forget how to live in a real world.

However, some people suppose jails to be the only way to punish criminals. They claim that the offenders are made to do some work which might be useful for society. Work has a great impact on criminals, it helps them change their minds.

I do not agree with the opponents’ opinion. I believe the products which are made by jailers are not of good quality. They had better do something necessary out of cells. For example, provided they are out of prisons, they can work as a cleaner or volunteer in hospitals.

In summary, I still believe sending criminals to prisons is not the only way to punish them. Offenders do not behave better, on the contrary, they cannot socialize after serving a person sentence.


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