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Some people think that young people should follow in parents' footsteps when choosing a profession (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

People’s opinions on the problem of choosing a profession differ widely. Some people believe teens should choose parents’ profession whereas others consider it is not a good idea. Let us discuss who is right.

It is my firm belief adolescents’ choice of a profession should not depend on parents’ experience. To start with, young people differ in points of view, tastes and preferences from their parents, thus, uninteresting work can lead to disappointment. Moreover, people should not follow in parents’ footsteps if a profession is very exhausting or low-paid like mining and woodcutting. Furthermore, some professions have disappeared and they are not prestigious anymore. A person would not become successful if he chose such profession.

However, there are opponents of this view who claim young people should continue their parents’ deal to pay respect to the tradition.

In addition, they point out that a person can achieve success quicklier due to parents’ professional bonds in this area.

I strongly disagree with these people because sometimes parents try too hard to persuade their children to follow such traditions and it can destroy family relationships. Besides, I believe it is much better to become successful by your own efforts than by parents’ bonds.

To sum up, I want to repeat you should think for yourself when choosing a profession. Although, there are some people who prefer following their parents’ choices but I still maintain that it is better to choose a profession independently. I hope my arguments are convincing and time will prove I am right.


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