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Задания 39 и 40. Some people think that young people should follow in their parents’ footsteps when choosing a profession (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

16 из 20
Оценка эксперта внизу





Dear Nancy,

Thank you for your recent letters. I’m glad to receive your letter again. Sorry, I didn’t write you because I was very busy with my exams.

You asked me interesting questions and I’m ready to answer them. As for me, I’d wear a queen's costume. I’d make it myself because I want my costume to be exclusive. In general, I think that costume parties are a good way to have fun and get positive emotions.

As I know, you will visit a museum next week.

Is it a historical museum? Where is it located? How large is the museum?

Sorry, my mum asks me to help my brother with his homework.

Keep in touch.

Best wishes,



There is a controversial topic about how teenagers should choose a profession. Some people think that they should make a choice independently. But at the same time, others believe that young people should continue the profession of their parents.

I hold the view that young people should choose a career, not paying attention to others. Firstly, everyone has his or her own abilities that can differ from abilities of his or her parents. Secondly, every person should make a choice, regarding to his or her preferences.

Despite that, there is an opposite point of view. My opponents insist that children should follow the example of their parents, choosing a profession. For example, there are families, where all members have the same profession. Children can not choose another one in such families.

I am afraid, I could deny this argument. Young people should choose a career, according to their abilities and interests, even in such families. In the case, a person works in the job he or she does not like, this person is not happy.

To sum up, I want to say that although there are different opinions on this topic, I think that young people should make a choice of a profession, regardless of their parents' one.

Оценка эксперта:

Задание 39.

К1-1 (Ответы на некоторые вопросы не распространены, этого может быть недостаточно)


К3-2 / 5

Задание 40.

К1 - содержание. Аргументы не распространены. (А2 +/-)

К2 - организация.

К3 - лексика.

a person works in the job (does work)

not happy. (unhappy)

К4 - грамматика.

I am afraid, I could deny this argument. (I can. Почему прошедшее??))

К5 - орфография и пунктуация.

should choose a career, not paying attention to others.(Не нужна запятая)

follow the example of their parents, choosing a profession(Не нужна запятая)

there are families, where all members have the same profession(Не нужна запятая)

I think that young people should make a choice of a profession, regardless of their parents' one.(Не нужна запятая)

В целом:






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