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The most important thing in life is work 16 вариант (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Our life has drastically changed. Our work became one of the most important things in our life. Thus there are too groups of people. Some of them are sure that the occupation might be the most significant part of our lives whereas others consider that there are more valuable things.

As for me, work is the most important aspect of human's life. First of all, living in a capitalistic world one always have to make money for living. It is commonly known that a person must build the career in order to satisfy the vital requirements. Secondly, work gives the great opportunity to meet interesting people and make new acquaintances. The occupation makes our life vivid and diverse.

Nonetheless, some people claim that work cannot bring bright memories. They are sure that working routine is dull and monotonous. In addition, if there are no shining memories than life is not truly an enjoyment.

I cannot agree with the above statement. I strongly believe that work does not only bring us joy and colorful impressions, but also helps us to create it in order to earning money. As a matter of fact, thanks to successful career one is able to travel, try new experience and meet fascinating people.

To sum up, happiness is the most is the most important thing in our lives. What is truth, work is a true way to reach it.




Dear Thomas,

Thanks for your letter, it was great to hear from you again. Sorry, I haven't written sooner, I've been busy with my school studies.

I'll be glad to answer your questions. First of all, I think it's completely ok for friends to quarrel, cause finding compromise really strengthen your friendship. Secondly, I sometimes quarrel with my friend, cause we may have different opinions on different subjects. It's great though, we always learn something new about each other. So that's why I think that true friendship is impossible without quarrels.

By the way, it's great that you're going on vacation. Where are you going to stay? Who are going to London with? What museums are you planning to visit?

Sorry, I have to do my homework now. Drop me a line.

Best wishes,



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