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The most important thing in life is work example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays people spend a lot of time at work. Some people believe that the most important thing in life is work and others disagree with them.

In my opinion, people have more important things in their lives than work. Firstly, a family is more important because your employer can dismiss you, but your relatives and friends will always be with you. Secondly, education is rather important too. At work, you usually just repeat something that you know perfectly, but in educational establishments, you improve your knowledge, which can be useful in your life. Thirdly, being happy is more important than being rich. That means that you must not forget about your hobbies and pleasant pastime, because when you are unhappy

However, some people disagree with that They say that there are no more important things in life than is work.

To prove these words they say that employers pay people money, that they need to buy food, pay bills, rent a flat. Moreover, they claim that it is impossible to be a successful person without hard work.

Nevertheless, I cannot agree with the opposite opinion. I am convinced that work should not be the most significant thing in life. I agree that money is important, but if you work a lot and you love your business, you destroy your communication with other people, you are always tired and unhappy. I believe that people can earn money without full-filling work, for example being a blogger. Furthermore, you can be successful even without a wearying job.

To sum up, I would like to say that despite work is an important part of our life, there are more significant things for us, such as family and friends, for example, and we should not forget about things that make us happy.


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